An advanced form of the basic package, package C ensures valuable SEO for your website at an affordable price. This package includes in addition to the services offered by package
Package B
A sub-basic package with a wide appeal to most small websites, package B constitutes of 1 article and 1 press release both of 300+ words submitted to the top 10
Package A
This is the most basic service package offered by experts at SEOLIX. This package consists of 1 article constituting 300+ words, which is submitted to 5 top ranked article directories.
Video Marketing
[featured title=”1 Video Creation” header_color=”3399FF” ] [check_list] 1 Video Creation [/check_list] [basic_list] [ico_dollar]Price: 15.00 USD[/ico_dollar] [ico_basket]Delivery: 1-5 Days[/ico_basket] [button2 url=”/contact-us/”]Order[/button2] [/basic_list] [/featured]